Providing advice, and representation, to a wide range of healthcare clients.
Medical & Healthcare
The world of healthcare is constantly evolving, and professional advisors must innovate in terms of swifter response times and adapting processes to fall in line with current regulation, as well as integrating digital development to improve communication and reporting suites as well as maintaining high service
standards for insurers, brokers, and policyholders.
At Specters, our Healthcare team combine experience and expertise to provide advice, and representation, to a wide range of healthcare clients who specialise in the following areas:
• Dental claims
• Medical clinics
• Pharmacies
• GP Services
• Laboratories
• Cancer treatment
• Medical Imaging, including, but not limited
to, radiography and echocardiography
• Orthopaedic treatment
• Gynaecology treatment
• Dermatology
• Life sciences organisations
• Regulatory matters
• Representation before the General Medical
Council and the Medical Practitioners Tribunal
Additionally, we can advise medical professionals on issue of employment law and criminal law, as well as commercial or personal legal claims.
Working with the insurance sector
Insurers, Brokers, and their insured expect their professional advisers to be accessible, and experienced in giving clear, concise advice to which they commit.
Specters’ Healthcare team understand and meets those expectations.
Our dedicated medical malpractice team specialise in giving all types of advice in Healthcare disputes and are well versed in resolving disputes with both traditional litigation and alternative dispute resolution processes.
We work closely with insurers and/or their third-party administrators in advising on risk assessment post claim, allowing a collaborative approach to the improvement of practices, and have access to a wide range of experienced medico legal experts who provide objective opinion, where needed, to formulate a strategy to deal with claims.
Our team are available to reassure as we help clients respond to challenges, and work to resolve disputes whilst being mindful of the professional reputation of those we represent.
Specters’ hard work and legal support help to turn people’s lives around, including those who have suffered from no-fault cycling accidents.
Our medical & healthcare solicitors
Frequently asked questions
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Vestibulum ut consequat tellus. Vestibulum lacinia venenatis augue vel molestie. Ut consequat nisi sem, at ullamcorper risus volutpat et.
Praesent eu lobortis nibh. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin ante eu ullamcorper. Ut a risus risus. In mattis arcu id gravida tristique.