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Insurance Disputes

There are a multitude of disputes that arise between individual consumers or businesses and their insurer.

As a responsible individual or business owner, you make sure you are properly insured.

There may be legal requirements for you to take out a policy of insurance in specific circumstances. Often you will sensibly just want to protect yourself against risk. Unfortunately, insurers may not always honour their end of the deal.

What is an Insurance Dispute?

There are a multitude of disputes that arise between individual consumers / businesses and their Insurer or Broker.

Insurers include significant terms, conditions and warranties in their contracts of insurance. These are buried deep within the fine print, schedules and certificates. Insurers will often try to rely on these terms to reject legitimate claims.

For instance an insurer may rely on a breach that is not relevant to the loss, or they may argue that the claim was not reported quickly enough. Sometimes insurers will behave as if they agree to pay a claim, only to renege on their promise weeks or months down the line. Often a policyholder would have relied on the insurer to their detriment.

On occasion, the fault will lie with the broker. They may not have presented the facts to a insurer correctly at the outset of the policy. Sometimes a broker fails to even arrange your insurance as promised, leaving you uninsured.

When an insurance claim is rejected it may have a life-long and devastating effect on you, your family or your business.

Why Specters?

At Specters we are here to help in this situation.

We have over 30 years’ experience of dealing with insurance claims. Our experienced team of litigators have the expertise to advise you on your position. We understand insurance policy wording, as well as the numerous statutory provisions that the UK government has enacted to protect policyholders.

Whether it is a case of advising on the small print of the policy wording, or investigating the claims process that went wrong, Specters will be able to give you quick and considered advice on whether you have a legitimate claim against your Insurer.


Once we have assessed your claim, we can offer a number of funding options, which you can read more about on our funding page here. We often offer our clients flexible and risk sharing funding options, including no win no fee agreements, after the event insurance and third party fundin

You can call us on 0300 303 3629 or submit an enquiry to arrange a free initial legal consultation. We will advise you of your prospects of success and the evidence required on which a claim can be pursued.

To get in touch with the Specters team, submit an enquiry below or call us on 0300 303 3629.

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