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Personal Injury

We can help you claim compensation for personal injury and we specialise in cases involving vulnerable road users.

Our seasoned team of personal injury experts have over 25 years of experience in seeking claims for a variety of injuries such as whiplash, head trauma, industrial disease, work injury and surgical errors.

Our solicitors have successfully assisted thousands in their personal injury claims, and always strive to get the best compensation possible to ensure you can get the required care and treatment you and your family may need. In the event of a non-fault accident claim, we can also arrange a replacement vehicle, motorbike or cycle and we can also facilitate repairs at no cost to you.

It may be the case that you have had to take time off work to recover. Getting the right compensation can see to it that you are able to afford to take the necessary amount of time off to fully recover from your personal injury, without the worry of loss of income.

A personal injury can range from minor ailments to more severe physical and emotional debilitation, drastically affecting a person’s quality of life.

Experts in Vulnerable Road User Cases

At Specters, we are experienced in accident and injury cases that relate to those classed as vulnerable road users.

Vulnerable road users include cyclists, motorcyclists, horse riders, pedestrians, elderly people and infants.

Explore the sections below to learn more about how we can help you make a legal claim following a no-fault road accident, or read our latest articles focussing on this area here.

Specters’ hard work and legal support help to turn people’s lives around, including those who have suffered from no-fault cycling accidents (as seen in this video).

To get in touch with the Specters team, submit an enquiry below or call us on 0300 303 3629.

Make An Enquiry

We specialise in a variety of personal injury and vulnerable road user claims.

Accidents Abroad
Accidents at Work
Pothole Claims
Public Liability Claims
Road Traffic Accident Claims

Serious & Personal Injury FAQs

How long do I have to make a claim?

As a general rule, you should make your claim within 3 years of the date of the accident. If you only became aware that you had suffered injury at a later date, then you may have 3 years from that date.

If you have had an accident abroad, in an airport, or on a plane or boat, then the time period may be different.

Limitation is never a straightforward issue and these rules are the subject of much debate. You should therefore not delay in contacting us.

Am I entitled to make a claim?

In order to make a successful personal injury claim you must be able to prove that you suffered an injury as a result of someone else either doing something they should not have done, or not doing something they should have done. This can often be complicated and our team will be able to fully advise you.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to claim compensation for the physical and mental injuries that you have suffered. You can also claim for losses and expenses incurred as a result of your injury, such as:

  • Loss of Earnings
  • Treatment and Medication
  • Care and assistance
  • Damaged Property
  • Loss of Pension
  • Vehicle Repairs
  • Car hire

How much compensation will I be entitled to?

The amount of compensation you will receive depends on a number of factors, including the nature of your injuries and the expenses that you have incurred as a result of the accident.

How much of my time will my claim take?

Personal injury cases can range from very straightforward to extremely complex. If your claim is simple, then it may be resolved in 6 months to a year.

More complicated claims with more serious injuries may take longer, usually because you will have to wait for your injuries to either fully recover or stabilise before you know what damages you are entitled to.

If the accident has caused you financial difficulties, the Defendant may agree to make a part payment of your damages, or provide care and treatment, while the claim is ongoing.

How much input will I have?

Ultimately, this is your case and that means that we will keep you informed at all times and you will be involved in all the material decisions

Will I have to go to Court?

Only a very small percentage of cases ever go to trial. The vast majority of cases settle out of court through negotiation and mediation.

What types of accidents do you cover?

We specialise in providing advice concerning a broad range of accidents which can happen abroad including those that happen at work, on the road, or aboard a ship, as well as holiday activities and sporting events.

Would my claim be different if I was outside of the EU?

Different countries have their own laws procedure and assessment upon value of claims. We will always do our best to provide advice in connection with accidents happening outside of the UK and the EU.

Can I claim for lost earnings?

Yes – Where a client suffers lost earnings because of someone else’s negligent actions we will seek an early interim payment where liability is admitted.

How much is my claim worth?

Yes – if the loss of earnings was reasonably caused by someone else’s negligence. We will always endeavour to give an early indication of the potential value of your claim however, any final settlement will depend upon the type of injury that you suffered, the impact of the injury on your everyday life and how long it takes you to recover.

Will I face disciplinary action from my work if I claim against them?

An employer should not take action against an employee solely because a claim has been made.

How long can claims last for?

It is difficult to say because amputation claims are difficulty and complex. There are varying factors such as treatment, recovery and not only the physical symptoms but the emotional trauma.

When should I approach a law firm for advice? Can I do this prior to finishing medical treatment?

It is important that you seek immediate legal advice. The early stages of a claim can be important in obtaining the correct advice and rehabilitation to ensure a claim is brought to conclusion as reasonable as possible.

How much can a claim be?

We will always endeavour to give an early indication of the potential value of your claim however any final settlement will depend upon the type of injury that you suffered, the impact of the injury on your everyday life and how long it takes you to recover.

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