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Serious Injury

If you have become seriously injured due to no fault of your own, negligence may have been at play.

Experts at claiming compensation for serious injury

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time, and often the injuries sustained can have serious, life-altering consequences.
You can never fully prepare for the changes a serious injury can make to your daily life, but there are people who can help.

Following a serious accident, bringing an injury claim can be a stressful process. If you don’t have proper advice, you may not get the support you require, nor the outcome you deserve at the end of a claim.

Our team know just how traumatic serious injury cases can be. We treat every individual’s case with diligence and compassion and work tirelessly to secure the best outcome for our clients.

At Specters, our dedicated team of serious injury solicitors have over 25 years’ experience in winning compensation for injury claims. Our injury lawyers understand the complex and delicate nature of these cases.

Our specialist solicitors have unparalleled expertise in catastrophic injury claims. We have recovered millions of pounds for our seriously injured clients.

To ensure you get the best possible level of care, we have developed connections with an extensive network of medical experts and specialists. These experts work alongside our team to ensure the best outcome for the injured party. This may include rehabilitation using any necessary specialist equipment as well as assessing and reporting on injuries sustained, for legal purposes.

To clarify your options without the hassle and stress of fees, free phone the Specters team on 0300 303 3629 to arrange your initial consultation, which is offered at no cost to you.

To get in touch with the Specters team, submit an enquiry below or call us on 0300 303 3629.

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We specialise in several serious injury claims below.

Accident Abroad
Accident At Work
Fatal Accident Claims
Head Injury
Industrial Deafness
Industrial Disease
Spinal Injury

Professional Negligence Testimonials

We have been very impressed with the service we have received from Specters. On the first two cases which had been sitting in the doldrums for over a year with other firms, Specters achieved better than expected results in record timeframes. We will certainly be putting more cases their way.

Lender Client

The service and professionalism of the Specter Partnership has been nothing more than incredible which has resulted in a very satisfactory settlement of Claim!

Corporate Litigation Client

Serious & Personal Injury FAQs

What is Professional Negligence?

Professionals are those who represent themselves as having more than average skills and ability. A professional is negligent when he or she fails to perform their responsibilities to the required standard, which causes you, the client, to suffer loss.

Examples of this include a solicitor undervaluing your personal injury claim or missing a court date resulting in your claim being struck out by the Court, or a surveyor failing to spot structural faults in a building that resulted in subsidence.

Who will deal with my claim?

All professional negligence claims taken on by Specters are dealt with by an experienced lawyer with particular knowledge of this area of law.

We have both male and female specialists in this area and you can see them on the first interview for a 30 minute free consultation with no obligation.

If I make a claim and it is unsuccessful who will pay?

If we take your claim on because we consider it has reasonable prospects of success, we are able to offer you a No Win No Fee arrangement.

This means that if we do not win your case you will pay us nothing, and if we succeed you will pay a success fee up to a maximum figure that we will agree with you before we take on your case.

We fund many of our Professional Negligence cases this way.

How long do I have to claim?

The limitation period, which is the period of time for which a claim can be made, is six years for professional negligence claims.

However, this period may be extended if your date of knowledge was later, in which case the limitation period will run for three years from the date of your knowledge of the negligence; there is an overall longstop date of 15 years, which cannot be extended.

It is important that you deal with claims swiftly in any event as the documentation or other evidence supporting your case may diminish over time or witnesses may turn out to be unavailable.

If you are not sure if your claim is time barred contact us and we will clarify the position for you.

What is the process for claiming for Professional Negligence and how long does the process take?

The Pre-Action Protocol applies to Professional Negligence claims. This is a procedure that requires you (the claimant) to outline their case and the defendants to given some time to respond. This time period is usually three months to allow for investigation of the claim and to allow a response to the initial Letter of Claim that we would send on your behalf.

If after the relevant period the defendants are not prepared to make an offer you are then entitled to issue court proceedings.

If both parties agree then a half way house known as mediation is used. This is where a Mediator (who is often a professional lawyer) is appointed and both parties attend a meeting and put forward their case informally. The Mediatory will review each case and try to find a common ground and solution acceptable to both parties.

This prevents delay in the resolution of the matter as court proceedings take some time, but a mediation can only happen if both parties agree and, whilst it is encouraged by the courts, it is not mandatory.

If I believe I have suffered loss because of the actions of a professional whom can I sue?

This will depend on the particular circumstances of your case. In a building dispute for instance, it may be your architect, surveyor or builder who has provided advice or services that fell below the standard of work required of that profession.

In a legal context it may be a solicitor or barrister involved in the case that has failed to advise you properly.

Claims can also arise against IFA’s insurance brokers, IT professionals, eningeers and many other categories of professionals whose actions may give rise to a claim.

We will review your claim and advise you of the appropriate person or people you should pursue.

Will I have to go to court?

There is a prospect that you will have to go to court to prove your case. Statistics show that this is a rare occurence as most cases settle before trial, as parties consider the costs and risks associated with litigation.

There is also a prospect of mediation or a later meeting between the parties to see if settlement terms can be reached after evidence has been exchanged but there is a prospect you will have to go to court so you must be prepared for this eventuality when embarking on litigation.

What evidence will I need to prove my case?

We will need to prove on your behalf that the professional owed you a duty of care, that the duty was breached adn that because of that breach all or part of your losses arose.

You will need to show that the standard of work produced by the professional fell below the standard normally required by their profession. The test applied is an objective one but each case turns on its own facts.

In practical terms, it is improtant that you keep all the documentation, recordings, data and records which prove your case. It is also important to write down a chronology of event before you see us, along with details of any witnesses who may assist your case.

The onus is on you as the claimant to prove the case you bring.

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