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Industrial Deafness

Excessive noise or working in a noisy environment can cause serious hearing problems or tinnitus, resulting in the temporary or permanent loss of hearing.

The loss of hearing is measured by degrees and can range from slight damage to total deafness

Hearing is one of the five senses that we can take for granted but to lose ones’ hearing can be debilitating and have a dramatic effect on ones’ life.

What Causes Industrial Deafness?

Exposure to constant, long-term noise in the workplace or a sudden loud explosion of sound. The severity of hearing loss can depend on exposure to workplace noise. Inside our ears, we grow microscopic cells, and these tiny cells grow hair shafts. The hair shafts will vibrate when they encounter any sound. If these cells or hair shafts are damaged or destroyed, our hearing is severely affected, and sadly, in some cases, deafness can occur.

Employers Legal Responsibility

Employers have a responsibility to ensure safe working conditions. In 1974, laws were passed to protect the employee from being forced to work in dangerous or unsafe conditions. By law, employers are required to provide safety equipment such as earplugs, safety goggles, gloves, etc. in addition to training of safe practice methods. Employers have a duty and a legal obligation to mitigate any risk of industrial deafness that an employee may experience while performing their role or responsibilities and being exposed to workplace noise.

How we can help you with your Industrial Deafness Claim

If you or your family are concerned that your level of hearing has deteriorated or if you believe you have industrial deafness, we can help you with an industrial deafness compensation claim. Our expert Personal Injury Solicitors will arrange for you to be examined by a medical professional.

The audiologist will perform a few tests to determine the severity of the damage to your hearing and the long-term prognosis. Your solicitor will make relevant enquiries with your employer gathering the information required to validate your industrial deafness claim.

Our experienced team, who have dealt with a number of these types of claims, will guide you through the complex legal process, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome to your compensation claim.

If you are concerned that an employer has compromised your safety or well-being, please contact us on 0300 303 3629 so that we can initially advise and guide you.

To get in touch with the Specters team, submit an enquiry below or call us on 0300 303 3629.

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