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Existing Will Review

There are many reasons it can be a good idea to review an existing Will.

Why review your existing Will?

Preparing a Will is an important part of creating future security for your loved ones. However, various changes to your personal circumstances over a period of time can mean you should review your Will.

You may have separated from your partner, you may have since started a family, or there may be changes in the law that could impact your Will.

If you have held your Will for a number of years and there have been changes to your circumstances, it is highly recommended that you have your Will reviewed by an experienced legal professional specialising in Wills & Probate.

How to know if you need your Will reviewed.

It is sensible to review your Will if there is a significant change in your circumstances.

You may need to review your Will if you have experienced any of the following changes:

  • You are getting married
  • You are getting divorced
  • The birth of a child or grandchild
  • A change in tax laws
  • Acquisition of assets in a country outside of the UK
  • A change in the nature and extent of your wealth
  • Living with an illness or disability
  • Someone named as a beneficiary has passed away

You might also want to change your Executor because the person you originally nominated now lacks capacity, or you may have simply changed your mind about you appoint.

Arranging to have your Will reviewed.

At Specters, our specialist Wills & Probate lawyers are here to ensure your Will achieves the outcomes you want it to achieve. To discuss the changes you may need to make to your Will, we invite you to get in touch with the Specters team so we can begin the process with you.

What to expect from your Will review:

  • We can either arrange to see you in person or schedule a consultation over the phone
  • We will first discuss your requirements and advise you on the changes you are proposing
  • If it is required, we can then assist you in creating a new Will, which will be drawn, signed and witnessed
  • We can also assist in creating a Codicil (an addendum to your Will), which will be added to your original document

To discuss your options and requirements, call us now on 0300 303 3629 or alternatively you can send us an enquiry using our contact form.

To get in touch with the Specters team, submit an enquiry below or call us on 0300 303 3629.

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